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How to use Social Login (Google, Discord, Apple, Microsoft)


Social login is a passwordless login option that follows the standards of Open Authorization (OAuth 2.0) and OpenID Connect (OIDC).

Shadow allows you to use four different Social Login methods on a new or existing account:

  1. Google

  2. Discord

  3. Apple

  4. Microsoft

Do not hesitate to check the Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) with Shadow.

When can I use Social Login with Shadow?

1. When logging in with an existing account.

Please note that you must link your Social Media profile to your existing Shadow account to log in with a Social Login method.

Note: You cannot log in with Social Login until you link your Social Media profile to your Shadow account, even if the Social Login method uses the same ID as your Shadow ID.

2. When creating a new account.

How to link or unlink a new Social Login method to your Shadow account?

Note: You must link your Social Media profile to your existing Shadow account to log in with a Social Login method.

Log in with your usual Shadow ID.

Go to the Account” tab of your account space.

Click on the "Social login" section.

Click on the Social Media method(s) you want to link or unlink to your Shadow account and follow the instructions on your screen.

Note: If you created an account with a Social Login method instead of creating a Shadow ID, you will have to create a password for your Shadow account to unlink the Social Login method that was previously used.

To add a password, please go to the "Account" tab on your web account page and click on "Edit my credentials" (see how to update your password).

Known Issues


If you use several Google accounts at once and log in with Google to Shadow, you might receive another authentication request from Google later on. This behaviour is proper to Google's authentication system and cannot be resolved by Shadow.


Currently, we have no plans to add more Social Login methods.

No, it is not possible to link the same Social Media Profile to different Shadow accounts.

Yes, you can still log in with your usual Shadow ID as long as you have created a password on your Shadow account.

Yes, Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) is kept regardless of the method you choose to log in.

No, emails from Shadow are only sent to the default email address of your account.

You can still change your default email address after linking any Social Login methods to your account.

Should this happen to you, you can simply follow this guide to reset your password.

For your next log in it will suffice to use your e-mail address and the newly selected password to gain access to your personal space and Shadow PC.

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