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Shadow Drive Web Version - Features & Settings


Shadow Drive Web version allows you to add, see, share, and edit your synchronized files.

Note: To set up detailed synchronization rules for your files, we invite you to use the Shadow Drive desktop clients which you can download on our website.

You will find below a summary of every feature and setting that you can use on the Shadow Drive Web version.

You can access the web version via this link

In the header, on top of your screen, you will be able to access the different features of Shadow Drive.

Have a look at the different sections below to see what you can do by clicking each button:



Data Migration

WebDAV (Sync)

Download (Shadow Drive Apps/Clients)


Search Button


You will also have access to the following options by clicking on your profile picture in the top right corner of your screen:


In this tab you will be able to navigate through your synchronized files and folders.

From here you will have some options available to manage your files and folders efficiently:

  • The "+ Add" button will let you create new text files or folders and upload new files.

  • You can also decide to switch the display from list view to grid view if you wish to have a clearer display.

  • At the bottom, you can access the Files settings to show hidden files and crop image previews.

  • Last but not least, you can manage multiple files at the same time by checking them on the left in list view or at the top left in grid view​.

By clicking the three dots button next to any file, several features will appear in a dropdown menu:

  • Share.

  • Add to favorites.

Note: It is possible to mark as favorite or share any files from its details, also called sidebar when previewing a media file.

  • Details (allows you to manage your file's versioning).

Note: Versioning will keep every saved version of your file when a modification occurs, in case you need the initial file or need to work from an intermediate state.

You will also be able to delete, rename, download and restore an older version through versioning.

  • Rename.

  • Move or copy.

  • Edit locally (allows you to directly open your file with the default external software that is used to edit this type of file format).

  • Download.

  • Delete file.

Several sorting options are also available on the left navigation bar:

  • All files: all files will be visible. Note that this is the default sorting method while accessing the Files tab.

  • Recent: all recent files created within (Number of days/weeks to be confirmed) will be displayed in this section.

  • Favorites: this section will display files marked as favorite.

  • Shares: every shared files by link or email will be displayed in this section.

Please note: If you receive a file shared from an email address to another, you will have to accept it from “Pending shares” before accessing it.

  • Deleted files: This will list every deleted files that were previously synchronized.


This tab will put forward your media files such as photos or videos with a preview for each of them.

By clicking on any file, you will be able to:

  • Start slideshow by clicking the arrow button.

  • Edit your file directly on Shadow drive by clicking the pencil button.

  • By clicking the three dots button, you can download your file or open the sidebar to share, see the different versions of your file or mark it as a favourite.

Additionally, you can access the Photos settings at the bottom of your screen to enable squared photos view and change the photos default directory.

Finally, you can use the sorting options on the left navigation bar to only see specific files:

  • All media: This will list a preview for each photos or videos chronologically.

  • Photos: This will list a preview for each photos chronologically.

  • Videos: This will list a preview for each videos chronologically.

  • Albums: This section will let you create new albums or browse existing ones.

  • Collaborative albums: This section will list every shared albums from other users that shared at least one with you.

  • Folders: This section will list every media files in your folders if there are any.

  • Favorite: This section will list your favorited media files.

  • On this day: Media files from the actual day.

  • Shared with you: Every shared media files by link or email will be shared in this section.

  • Places: Will list your media files by places if there is any specified.

Note: You will also come across this button which will let you open/close the navigation menu on the left

Data Migration

In this tab you’ll be able to import your data from external drives such as Dropbox.

A quick explanation is given in order to allow the creation of a Dropbox access code to migrate your data.

Note: If you already know how to generate a Dropbox access code, you may want to proceed directly from your account settings in the "Data migration " button in the navigation bar.

WebDAV (Sync)

This tab will display a token list that is used by your devices to access your data.

It is possible to generate a new token manually for WebDAV connections, see our helpcenter article: How to connect a third-party tool to Shadow Drive using the WebDAV protocol

Download (Shadow Drive Apps/Clients)

This tab will take you to our download page where you can get our Shadow Drive and Shadow PC applications.


This tab will take you to our FAQ article about Shadow Drive: Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Search Button

This button will allow you to search for every files/folders on your drive containing what you typed in the search bar.


You will find here the important news about your Shadow Drive.

For example, you will receive a warning if your storage is nearly full.

Profile Settings

After clicking on your profile picture on the top right corner of your screen, click "Settings" in the dropdown menu to access your Profile Settings.

On the left side of the window, you will be able to navigate through the three sections below:

Personal info

You will be able to edit various informations about yourself from this page.


From here you will be able to modify the notification settings as you wish.

Data migration

This is the page used to migrate your data from another solution (such as Dropbox) to Shadow Drive if you already know how to process.

Note: If you need more details in order to migrate your data, we invite you to see the detailed instructions from the Migration page.

Also note: This operation won’t alter or make your initial drive files disappear.

Log out

After clicking on your profile picture on the top right corner of your screen, click "Log out" in the dropdown menu if you are done working on your Shadow Drive or if you need to connect to another account when needed.

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