Getting Started with Shadow PC Gaming

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Introduction with Shadow PC Gaming


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How to uninstall your Shadow PC App


Whether you want to uninstall the Shadow App because you decided to unsubscribe or because you are trying to fix an issue, we recommend following the instructions below.

Uninstalling the Shadow App

Please select the Operating System (OS) corresponding to your local device:

There are different ways to proceed to uninstall the Shadow App from your computer (Windows 10). We recommend following Microsoft's instructions.

There are different ways to proceed to uninstall the Shadow App from your computer (Windows 11). We recommend following Microsoft's instructions.

To uninstall the Shadow App from your Mac, please follow Apple's instructions.

To uninstall the Shadow App from your iPad or iPhone, please follow Apple's instructions.

To uninstall the Shadow App from your Android device, please follow Google's instructions.

To uninstall the Shadow App from your computer, please follow the instructions below:

Removing the app from your system

If you downloaded the .deb package, use the following command (chose one of the following depending on your environment):

sudo apt remove shadow-prod.deb

sudo apt remove shadow-preprod.deb

sudo apt remove shadow-alpha.deb

If you downloaded the .AppImage package, use the following command:

rm ShadowPC.AppImage

Removing the configuration files, plugins and settings

If you downloaded the .deb package, use the following command (chose one of the following depending on your environment):

sudo apt purge shadow-prod.deb

sudo apt purge shadow-preprod.deb

sudo apt purge shadow-alpha.deb

If you downloaded the .AppImage package, use the following command:

rm ShadowPC.AppImage

To uninstall the Shadow App from your Apple TV, please follow Apple's instructions.

To uninstall the Shadow App from your Android TV, please follow Google's instructions.

To uninstall the Shadow App from your Metaquest headset, you need to:

Open Sidequest with your Metaquest headset connected to your computer

Click on Currently installed apps

Delete the Shadow App by clicking on the little gear next to the application

Reinstalling the Shadow App

Should you want to reinstall the Shadow App, please go to our Download Page and select the app corresponding to your local device.

If you are interested in installing the BETA, you will need to scroll down a little on our Download Page.

For the ALPHA version, we invite you to read the associated article from our Helpcenter.

Still have questions after reading this article?

Check out our other articles or contact Shadow Support.