L:200 / 500 - Try to start again in a few minutes
Your Shadow was unable to launch the stream. This may be related to ongoing maintenance or a technical error.
There are many reasons why this error may occur. It's possible our teams are already aware of this error and it's in the process of being resolved. Try starting Shadow again after a few minutes have passed.
If the error is not resolved within a few minutes, it may require attention from our maintenance teams.
Visit the status page to see if our maintenance teams have acknowledged the issue and what actions are being taken to address it. The status page may also include workarounds if there are any.
Maintenance typically takes about one hour to complete. In the event of an emergency, it may take up to several hours to properly identify and resolve the issue.
If this error persists, and there are no reports on the status page, please contact Support to alert us of the error so we can assist you.